This is the official site of the pg电子下载 State University 参议院工作人员. It is a repository of issues, 担忧, solutions and initiatives of interest and relevance to the staff of pg电子下载. Our goal is to enhance the work environment and our own productivity through active engagement in professional development, community service and the shared governance of the institution.

Every staff member is a member of the staff senate and has the right to attend all meetings. 然而, since it is impractical to expect the participation of every staff member in every meeting, each department or unit has selected a staff senate representative to attend the meetings, speak on behalf of his/her colleagues and share information from the meetings with colleagues

Feel free to browse the site, and provide your thoughts and suggestions.

Constitution of the 参议院工作人员
2022-2021 and 2020-22 参议院工作人员 Members

Have a Question or Concern for the 参议院工作人员?

工作人员 who have questions and/or 担忧 may use this form to communicate them to the 参议院工作人员 Committee.

Would you like a member of the 参议院工作人员 Commitee to follow up with you on your comments? *

请注意, if you clicked yes and did not provide contact information, a member of the staff senate will not be able to follow up with you in regards to your question or concern. ​​​​​​​​

Would you like your comments to be anonymous? *

Regardless of your response, all questions/comments are treated as confidential.​​​​